Title 1

Title I, Part A (Title I) is part of the federal government’s ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), which replaced the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program. It provides additional financial assistance to school districts to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

The ESSA/NCLB law requires school districts to target the Title I funds they receive to schools with the highest percentages of children from low-income families. Schools are required to focus Title I services on children in those schools who struggle to meet state academic standards (i.e., students in need of intervention).

In the West Irondequoit School District, we use this money to support our intervention services for our Title I schools. Our Title I Schools for the 2024-25 school year are Brookview, Southlawn, Seneca, and Rogers. We use nearly all the Title I funds to pay for intervention teachers in our Title I schools.

Your input is needed! There will be a zoom meeting held by our building principal at a future date where you are able to provide input towards:

  • District Title I Policy
  • School & Parent/Guardian Compact
title 1 webinar



Rogers Middle School , and the parent /guardians of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), agree that this compact outlines how the parent/guardians, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parent/guardians will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards. 

This school-parent/guardian compact is in effect during school year 2024-2025. 


School Responsibilities 

Rogers Middle School will: 

  1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows: 

Rogers Middle School is committed to achieving high standards for all students.  Our goal is to achieve the alignment of rigorous content standards across all organizational levels in curriculum and instruction, and to utilize processes to support, monitor, and review the implementation of standards.  Using NYS assessments, as well as District level assessments, teachers and administrators review data on student performance relevant to the standards to assess strengths and weaknesses to plan instruction at the program, classroom and individual student levels. Teachers, administrators, and all staff are supported through a strong supervision process as well as a variety of professional development opportunities offered throughout the year. 

2. Hold parent/guardian -teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.  

Specifically, those conferences will be held: 

November 26, 2024 

April 11, 2025 

*In addition, you may always reach out to your child’s teacher and the Principal to request a meeting.  

3. Provide parent/guardians with frequent reports on their children’s progress. 

Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows: 

Reports will be sent home in the fall and spring, which describe the type of intervention, frequency and duration. The interventionist will support the student and the student’s specific goal/strategies. This information will also be reflected on the student report cards. 

Parents/ guardians will be notified by letter when their child is enrolled in intervention services. You will also receive a phone call from your child’s classroom and/or intervention teacher to discuss supports put in place connected to your child’s data.  

4. Provide parent/guardians reasonable access to staff.  

Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parent/guardians as follows: 

Parent/guardians will receive reasonable access to staff through provided classroom phone numbers, email, and the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus when available.  Additionally, parent/guardians may attend conferences, school events like Curriculum Night and Open House, and Parent/guardian Principal hours (pictured below) to foster communication between the home and school. Parent/guardians are encouraged to contact the school and/or teacher to set up meetings as necessary so teachers, administrators, and staff can support both students and parent/guardians. 

meet the principal flyer

5. Provide parent/guardians opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows: 

Parent/guardians may volunteer and participate in their child’s class in a variety of ways.  A parent/guardian may volunteer for our Rogers PTSA, attend class presentations, and/or other school events. Parent/guardians also can be a member of the School Based Plan committee, District Curriculum Council, PTSA, or Professional Development Plan Committee.   

Here at Rogers, we are learners today and leaders tomorrow! 

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities 

We, as parent/guardians, will support our children’s learning in the following ways: 

  • Monitoring attendance. 
  • Making sure that homework is completed. 
  • Monitoring the quality and quantity of media their children are engaging with. 
  • Volunteering in my child’s classroom. 
  • Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education. 
  • Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time. 
  • Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate. 
  • Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as being the Title I, Part A parent/guardian representative on the school’s School Improvement Team, the Title I Policy Advisory Committee, the District wide Policy Advisory Council, the State’s Committee of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy groups.